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Publicado por *^Â^* los 3:45 PM 134 comentarios
Etiquetas: Ascended Master Saint Germain, Blue Ray, Force, God, Power, Protection, Saint Machael Archangel
Publicado por *^Â^* los 12:10 PM 6 comentarios
Etiquetas: 7 Rays, Blue Ray, Flames, God, Golden Ray, Green Ray, Love, Pink Ray, Ruby- Gold Ray, Violet Ray, White Ray
Publicado por *^Â^* los 11:07 AM 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: Jesus Christ, Power, Smile
Publicado por *^Â^* los 3:43 PM 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: God, Jesus Christ, Life, Path, Reality´s Creation, Thruth
Publicado por *^Â^* los 10:28 AM 94 comentarios
Etiquetas: Angels, Blue Ray, God, Golden Ray, Green Ray, Guardian Angels, Life, Love, Miracles, Pink Ray, Ruby- Gold Ray, Violet Ray, White Ray
Publicado por *^Â^* los 4:12 PM 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: Angels, Light, Love, Miracles, Specialist Angels
1. ANGELS...
They are winged beings who act like Divine Messengers and who never have lived in the Earth like human beings. The Angels always transmit LOVE and Peace to us. Like the humans, each angel has a name, it´s own personality, and a mission to fulfill. Among them we found ...
Since our birth, each one of us have assigned one or two Guardians Angels. They are in charge to take care and to know what is the best for us. They know us better than ourselves.
Its mission is to use those knowledge to offer us the support and direction that we needed to take a full, happy , healthful and successful life. Our Guardian Angel never separates of us.
They are the peak of the angelical kingdom and tend to be greater and powerful than the Angels. They supervise the work of the Angels.To invoke them it is enough to pronounce its name. There is several Archangels but 4 are the most known...
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Uriel.
They are relatives and friends who have passed away, but that remains around to ours to help us, just as Guardian Angels do.
They are Masterful Enlightened and Healers like Jesus Christ, Moises, Mahoma, Buddha, Krishna, Holy Mary, Saint Germain and Quan Yin to name to some of them, who help the human beings from Heaven.
As you see, there are a lot of Angels to whom we can invoke. They are always ready to help us. They only need our call to answer.
"Angels although are always present are made notice only to whom believe in their existence."
Paulo Coelho in The Walkiries.
Based on...
* "Divine Prescriptions" by Doreen Virtue.
Photograph by... http://www.everystockphoto.com/
Publicado por *^Â^* los 1:36 PM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Doreen Virtue, Guardian Angels, Life, Love
"Think in a while about that a so vivid and pure idea arose to you, and so true that happiness waves began to arise in a part of your body and flooded each cell of your being.
You can call it the Caress of the Angel or brushstrokes of LOVE. We were."
Barbara Mark and Trudy Grisworld from "The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing."
Everytime we call an Angel, the Angel comes to answer the call.
They love to help us and they are ready to do it.
We can communicate with the Angels and in many occasions, without becoming aware of it, we have done it.
The Angels speak continuously with us and all the human beings have the same potential to receive and to and understand its words.
There are many forms to do it. The messages of the Angels arrive to us from many ways.
To listen to an inner voice, an inspiration, to find suddenly a commentary, an answer or the solution of a problem in unexpected means like a friend, or a book, a magazine or a film, are only some of them.
In the personnel, I am convinced that to obtain a message or angelical answer we need these...
1. BELIEF or certainty of its existence.
2. FAITH in that we will receive what we request them.
3. To be thankful to them with LOVE beforehand what we expect to receive from them.
4. To leave the subject in its hands and to wait the perfect time when it will happen.
As you see, it´s very easy to do it. You can try it and will see wonderful things happening in your world.
Be happy,
* ^Â^*
Photo by... http://www.everystockphoto.com/
Publicado por *^Â^* los 9:56 PM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Angels, Beliefs, Communication, Faith, Inner Voice, Inspiration, Love
Publicado por *^Â^* los 10:04 PM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Angels, Beliefs, Destiny, God, Magic, Reality´s Creation
Photo by... http://www.everystockphoto.com/
Publicado por *^Â^* los 10:03 PM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Ask and it´s Given, God, Jesus Christ, Light, Love, Peace, Quotes, Resurrection, Truth
Publicado por *^Â^* los 11:57 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: God, Infinite, Light, Love, Magic, Moment, Possibilities
Publicado por *^Â^* los 11:22 PM 4 comentarios
Etiquetas: Abundance, Attraction, Divine Idea, God, Infinite Provision, Louise H. Hay, Money, Prosperity, Spirit
Marianne Williamson.
Sometimes in your life there were some events that were not as you desired and made you feel bad. These situations no matter how difficult that they seemed, in fact, were a great gift, but in that moment, you saw them in a very different way.
You didn´t see them like opportunities to learn and to grow up, because you saw them like difficulties where many feelings like hatred become jumbled, resentment, resentment, etc. These last ones are the causes of many diseases.
A lot of people are accumulating in it´s life all the unfortunate events and their feelings of hatred or resentment are more and more bigger and those feelings are physically transformed becoming diseases into many cases, dead. The fundamental cure to those diseases is to forgive.
Very often,when you are the victim, you think or feel that you cannot forgive. You feel so wounded that you do not see the way to do it and sometimes you think that the aggressor or object of your hatred, deserve it. The feelings of revenge, the desire of punishment and the bad wishes generated towards others have so high an emotional load that it attracts to the life of who feels them,an endless of negative things.
In many occasions the person who apparently offended another one, did not do it intentionally, didn´t realize that it happened, or no longer remembers that and is living happy ,whereas the one that felt attacked, lives immersed in giving him returned to the subject and to generate more negative feelings on that person, attracting solely for itself same what wishes for the other.
That is an error. By great errors that we commit, we it would like to be forgiven and to be forgiven we needed first to forgive to those who offended us. It is a great exercise of growth and a form to have inner peace.
Forgiveness is a gift. A gift that more than to give it to another one, we give it to ourselves. When somebody feels hatred, or resentment with respect to another person, it lives with a very great load on it´s back. It is as if the object of its resentment was loaded by the person.
When we forgive, there is a liberation and that load disappears of our life for always. It is not possible to be walked by life loading to all those that have made us damage. That prevents us to advance with lightness and to be happy.
The lack of forgiveness stops the plans and damage the body which prevents to obtain what is desired, preventing to grow up and to evolve. We have listened a lot of times.. "From hatred to LOVE there is one step".
It is truth. We can say that hatred is the opposed one to LOVE. Hatred is in the negative pole, opposed of LOVE that is positive. We can say that both are a same feeling but in different degree.
You have yourself to ask then, how to change your feelings towards the person that apparently damaged you? It is not possible to be requested to you that you love who you hate in 15 minutes, but by forgiveness, you release it and you release yourself so that you can reach the point of balance between the 2 feelings.
When you feel annoying, angered or with resentment with some person, you can begin to remember the good moments and the good things that the person has done for you. Seeing its qualities instead of its defects and forgetting what happened between both of you, you will begin to feel Peace and to see that you don´t need right to hate it, nor necessity of it.
When you change your attitude and begin to see the good thing of the person, you began to go towards the positive side and it will be easier to you to forgive. When somebody says something to you that you do not like, instead of feel hurt about it and answer in an aggressively way,you can say to him mentally ... "This does not mean anything for me". You will feel the certainty of your affirmation and you will not feel affected by the person or the commentary.
You will have Peace with yourself and with the other when you arrive at the midpoint, to the balance point. Jesus Christ always spoke of the forgiveness. For Him it was very important, as much that he forgave to those who they betrayed and crucified him, asking His Father... "Forgive them, because they do not know what they do". We can learn of Him and follow its example and legacy.
I invite you to forgive those who you feel that hurt you or damaged you without concerning the magnitude of which they have done. I invite you to choose one and begin by him and when you have released it, you follow with another one and another one until you feel free, light and peacefully. Thus you will receive the same that you give and will see impressive changes in your life.
FORGIVENESS is a GIFT of LOVE . It is in your hands to forgive all those that need it. It is in your hands also receiving it. When you give forgiveness to others, you also will be forgiven and released and that it is the greatest gift of LOVE than you can give to yourself.
How do you feel with respect to other people? Do you think that it is a good idea to try to forgive? Which are the qualities of those who apparently hurt you? Don't you think that there is still much to rescue?
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!
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Publicado por *^Â^* los 11:05 PM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Changes, Forgiveness, Gift, Love, Opportunities
"The DECREE is a felt verbal or mental affirmation of such form that is able to produce the effect of what it was saying.
Publicado por LUCKY SUPERSTAR* los 5:44 PM 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: Affirmations, Bless, Cure, Decree, Divine Energy, Divine Mind, Force, Life, Love, Manifestation, Positive, Power, Prosper, Reality, Reality´s Creation, Thoughts
"The words are the more powerful tool than you have like human being, the instrument of the magic. But they are like a sword of double edge: they can create the most beautiful dream or destroy everything what it surrounds to you."
Dr Miguel Ruiz.
Publicado por *^Â^* los 11:46 AM 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: Attraction, Bless, Creations, Cure, Impeccability, Jesus Christ, Life, Manifestation, Power, Prosper, Reality´s Creation, Self-esteem, The Four Agreements, Thoughts, Vibration, Words
LOVE makes MIRACLES disappearing darkness and lighting up to our life.
LOVE thoughts are powerful. When we think with LOVE, we are creating with Love. When we think and send LOVE to everybody we are giving them a great gift and we are giving it to us too. When we think with LOVE, everything is right in our life and everything we want happens. LOVE is attracting us whatever we desire.
Publicado por LUCKY SUPERSTAR* los 12:59 PM 3 comentarios
Etiquetas: Brian Weiss, Changes, Creations, Cure, Energy, Erick From, Forgiveness, G. Jampolsky, God, Love, Marianne Williamson, Miracles, Reality´s Creation, Thoughts, Unconditional Love
Our thought is creative. Everything has been created from a thought. Music, art, the greatest constructions and inventions were a thought at the beginning, a vision in the mind of someone that create it to share it with humanity.
We spend our whole life thinking a lot of things. We use to bring present, past and future situations to our mind. Some of them are nice and other, unpleasant. We make plans for our life. We are always creating.
Our thoughts are things and has been always manifested. We attract what we think.
Our quality of life is determined by the quality of out thoughts. If our thoughts are positive, only the good things will come to our life. But if they are negative, things will go wrong.
The difference between a good life, full of health, prosperity and happiness and a life full of problems, deceases and poverty has it´s root in the way of thinking because we bring to our life what we think.
If we think that we are healthy, rich, intelligent or happy, that is what we will be. But who use to think that is poor, sick, sad or fool, life will bring him all kind of opportunities to show it.
Our thoughts of faith attract us the best. The thoughts of fear attract what the persons are afraid of. How many times we went to present a project or an exam sure that everything will be alright and it happened? But ¿how many others, the fear of fail brings negative results? And after this kind of situations there is someone who says…”I knew it”. What this person doesn´t know is that he thought the result and that is what really happened.
We can have a better life if we pay attention to our thoughts.. If we always think positive that will be what we bring to our life. No matter what we have thought about someone or something, we can change the result about it.
The seed of the life we have, is the result of what we think. We have in our hands the opportunity to create the kind of life that we want. GOD always gives us what we ask Him for. We have the opportunity to choose what we want. If we ask for blessings, that is what GOD will give us because He wants to give us the best things of life and we deserve them.
If we look at our life, we can ask ourselves…
¿How are my thoughts today?
With LOVE,
Photo by http://powerbacks.net
Publicado por *^Â^* los 10:25 PM 12 comentarios
Etiquetas: Attraction, God, Happiness, Health, Life, Positive Thinking, Power, Prosperity, Reality, Reality´s Creation, Thoughts
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