Saturday, May 19, 2007


"The Path is opened when we are united to GOD."

Alida and Jose L. Sosa.


This is a story of Julio Peradejordi which I want to share it with you...

"The PATH, The TRUTH And The LIFE."

All our life is an unconscious search of the Life.

All our truth is a constant search of the Truth.

All our walk is, without we never get to suspect it, a search of the Path.

Only the Life takes to the Truth because only Life is the Path.

Only the Truth takes to the Life, because only the Truth does not separate us from the Path.

Only the Path takes to the Truth, because only the Path is faithful to the Life.

When they asked the Teacher who did he was, He simply responded :

- I am the Path, the Truth and the Life.

And we followed obstinate in looking for the Truth, in looking for the Path outside the Life.

Accepting the Life we will only be able to initiate the peregrination that leads us to the Truth. There is no another Path.

Only you know what Path you choose. Only you can chose the way to look for the Truth. Only you know where to find the Life. Only you, when you are creating your own reality, know where does your search begin and where it finishes.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to be here!
* ^ Â ^ *

You find this history in...

* "56 Stories To look for GOD". On this book, his author, Julio Peradejordi says to us... "This book born of the search, that inner route towards the Divine thing, and is in itself a compilation of searches and an encounter with ourselves and the Creator. ` The one who is looking for GOD is already finding him.´ "

Friday, May 11, 2007


“Saint Guardian Angel,
My sweet company,
Don´t abandon me neither at night nor by day."



From the day of our birth, GOD assigns us two or more Angels who always are with us and they are always at our side.

For this reason, they know us better than ourselves because they have seen us grow and evolve in all senses.

Its mission is to take care of of us and to look for our well-being.

For Doreen Virtue…

"The mission of our Guardian Angels is to use the knowledge that they have on us to offer us the support and the direction which we neede to take a healthful and successful life.”

Our Guardian Angel , also called, Providing Angel is always arranged to respond and to cover any necessity.

Our Angel, is in direct and permanent contact with all the Superior Planes Departments . And it is from those planes where he sees the way to take to our life which we needed.

No matter he kind of our requirements, our Providing Angel always is ready to respond to our necessities connecting us to the Ray that is going to provide us what we need.

You can trust that your Angel is always with you and you surely can fell sure that its aid always arrives on time.

If you need LOVE, immediately it connects you with the Pink Ray.

If you are sick, it connects you with the Green Ray.

If you are losing the Faith, it puts to you in contact with the Blue Ray.

If you need to pardon or to be pardoned it contacts you with the Violet Ray.

If you feel that you need Wisdom, with the Yellow or Golden Ray.

If you need money or provision of any thing, immediately you are connected with the Ruby-Gold Ray.

If you do not know what to do in certain situation, will put to you in contact with the White Ray.

Perhaps you think about that you have needed some thing and this aid has not arrived. Your Angel always is kind.

What happens is that its aid cannot arrive at you because you are putting some type of blockade in your thoughts words, attitudes or beliefs.

Situation that you can change if you wishto do it and your Angels will be ready to respond so soon as you are ready. You do not have to see them physically. Your single belief and gratefulness to them will make Wonders.

You can be sure that if you allow it, Your Angels will make Miracles in your life.
Jean Paul Ritcher said…

“Guardian Angels of the Life fly so high that our sight does not perceive them, but always are taking care of to us."

Our Angels are always manifestating themselves in our life, no matter if we perceive them or not.

Its mission is full of LOVE towards us. They are great friends and allies that do not deserve to be ignored. Its LOVE by us is infinitely and limitless and for that reason they are our invisible companion during all the life.

It is important to infinitely thank them for every day its unconditional LOVE and dedication to us.

It is in you and me, to invoke them and to go to them, not only when we needed something, but as partners in the creation of our reality and they will make wonders in our life.

Because …

It will pronounce almost visibly because the Angels are only hoping that we recognize and invoke them to enter completely to help us."

Jorge Hartkopf

And you...

Do you have one good relation with your Guardian Angel? Do you allow it to be part of your life and to help you to create your reality?

We invite you to share your experience with us.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to be here!



Based en…

* “Divine Prescriptions” by Doreen Virtue.

* “Metaphysics Practice Guide" by Jorge Hatrkof

* “Me, Your Angel, I am With You” of Irene Fohri

Thursday, May 3, 2007


If you are looking for creative ideas, go to take a walk.

The Angels speak to the ear of who takes a walk.

Raymond Inman

There are Specialist Angels for anything we need.

They are specialist because they are dedicated to some activity in special.

If you need health, call the Specialist Angels in health and they will come to heal you.

If you need money, call the Specialist Angels in Prosperity to help you.

If you are looking for something that you lost, you can call the Specialist Angels in finding lost things.

If you need to get a house, you can invoke to the Specialist Angels in finding houses.

If you need to fix an electrical appliance, to the specialist Angels in repairing of such appliances.

If you need to find a place for parking, ask for the Specialist Angels in finding parking, etc.

As you will see, the Angels are wonderful winged allies that if we request them they answer our call doing Miracles and Wonders in our lives.

It is our choice to invoke them to receive their aid, their Light and their Love.


"It does not matter how I manifested myself, how is my body and my voice, you always you will know how to recognize to me".

First Revelation of an Angel to Orus de la Cruz.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

