If you need money or provision of any thing, immediately you are connected with the Ruby-Gold Ray.
If you do not know what to do in certain situation, will put to you in contact with the White Ray.
Perhaps you think about that you have needed some thing and this aid has not arrived. Your Angel always is kind.
What happens is that its aid cannot arrive at you because you are putting some type of blockade in your thoughts words, attitudes or beliefs.
Situation that you can change if you wishto do it and your Angels will be ready to respond so soon as you are ready. You do not have to see them physically. Your single belief and gratefulness to them will make Wonders.
You can be sure that if you allow it, Your Angels will make Miracles in your life.
Jean Paul Ritcher said…
“Guardian Angels of the Life fly so high that our sight does not perceive them, but always are taking care of to us."
Our Angels are always manifestating themselves in our life, no matter if we perceive them or not.
Its mission is full of LOVE towards us. They are great friends and allies that do not deserve to be ignored. Its LOVE by us is infinitely and limitless and for that reason they are our invisible companion during all the life.
It is important to infinitely thank them for every day its unconditional LOVE and dedication to us.
It is in you and me, to invoke them and to go to them, not only when we needed something, but as partners in the creation of our reality and they will make wonders in our life.
Because …
It will pronounce almost visibly because the Angels are only hoping that we recognize and invoke them to enter completely to help us."
Jorge Hartkopf
And you...
Do you have one good relation with your Guardian Angel? Do you allow it to be part of your life and to help you to create your reality?
We invite you to share your experience with us.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to be here!
Based en…
* “Divine Prescriptions” by Doreen Virtue.
* “Metaphysics Practice Guide" by Jorge Hatrkof
* “Me, Your Angel, I am With You” of Irene Fohri