Monday, February 19, 2007


"The words are the more powerful tool than you have like human being, the instrument of the magic. But they are like a sword of double edge: they can create the most beautiful dream or destroy everything what it surrounds to you."

Dr Miguel Ruiz.


The events that we lived day to day are defined not only by our thoughts, but also by our words. Each expressed word, without mattering if it is positive or negative, we will see it manifested in our life because it is invested with limitless energy and power.

Our life is unique and exclusively the reflection of what we thought and what we say. Therefore it is very important also to take care of our thoughts and our words. It is necessary to choose each word carefully to receive what we wished and mainly not to hurt or to damage by means of these to other people.

This perfectly has been interpreted by the Dr Miguel Ruiz in its titled book "The Four Agreements". For him the First Agreement is " to be impeccable in your words". To be impeccable in our words takes to us to live a better life without the shades on our own creations. It is important that our word as much spoken as written is impeccable at any moment. And that impeccability not only goes directed towards the others but also to ourselves.

Sometimes through low self-esteem, sometimes because things go wong or by to have mistaken, some people uses to live criticizing and recriminating themselves. Those recriminations are full of contemptuous adjectives with which they not only mistreat thus them, but that is ended up again reaffirming and pronouncing themselves in their life.

Perhaps a man feels like he is a loser and idiot at certain moment. Being saying that he is idiot and loser, is only going to bring to its life situations so that it demonstrates it since when decreeing it is fulfilled. Later he complains tht the things do go wrong , and ¿how he wants everything going right if with his words he attracted the opposite?

That is why Florence Scovel Shinn wrote... "Due to the vibratory Power of the words, what you say is indeed what you will attract towards you." The impeccability of the word goes beyond the content of the same one, the intonation and the intention which give force increasing its effects. Sometimes it is not "what a person says", but "how it says it" what makes the difference.

Many authors have affirmed that the more lethal weapon than exists is the language since the damage produced by it in many cases is irreversible and worse still, irreparable. With it is harmed to whom is directed to , but the greater damage is for who emits it. What a person says, positive or negative on a person, always it is returned to itself multiplied. That is a Law.

Jesus Christ for that reason said... "By its fruits you will know them" and iof course, a man is known by what he expresses and how he expresses in reference to himself, to the others and the world.

Also Jesus Christ said ... "It does not make damage to a man which to its mouth enters, but what it leaves fom it". For Him the use of the word always had relevance and he demonstrated it always.With the purpose of obtaining impeccability in our words we can adopt an old one proverb that says that the humans must use the word for 3 desires: TO CURE, TO BLESS and TO PROSPER.

Practicing this, it will be, without a doubt , what we will receive and the quality of life that we will have. If only we become aware from the important thing that it is to use the words suitably. What we say and how we say it is our election.

If we want to have a better life, is in our hands the way of creating what we want to experience. In order to obtain it, the word along with the thought are 2 very powerful tools that open any door helping us to get what we wish.

Someone says that we are the architects of our own destiny and that´s the way it is and it is very simple... If you change your thoughts, an if you change your words, your life will change .

Briefly... "Ask and it is given".

And… What do you think about the use of the word? How it has influenced in your life? Are you conscious of how to use it and the effects of the class of words you use has had in your life?

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks...

With LOVE...

* “The Game of Life and How To play it” by Florence Scovel Shinn.
* “The Power of the Spoken Word” by Florence Scovel Shinn.
* The Four Agreements" by Dr. Miguel Ruiz.

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1 comment:

E-1000io said...

Lucky Superstar, it is very important to be careful with our words. We spend a lot of time talking but we dont´t use to put attention about what we say and how we say it. If we have this tool, it is time to use it looking for a better life than the life we have now. It´s very easy, better words means a better life. A kiss for you,